New Delhi: A girl was allegedly gang-raped inside the Buddha Jayanti Park in Chanakyapuri area here, police said on Thursday. "Following the complaint by the girl's father, we have registered a case under relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita at the Chanakyapuri Police Station and also arrested two persons. Two of the victim's friends gang-raped her," a senior Delhi Police official said.
According to the senior police official, the victim resides with her family on the outskirts of Delhi. "On Tuesday, August 20, she had gone with her friend to Buddha Jayanti Park. At the same time, a friend of her friend also reached there. The duo gang-raped the girl and fled from the spot," the senior police official added.
"The victim somehow managed to reach Karolbagh and narrated her ordeal. The police officials from Karolbag took the girl to the Chanakyapuri police station where she informed police officials about the crime. The police took the victim to the Buddha Jayanti Park and visited the spot. On Wednesday, the Delhi Police apprehended the duo and are interrogating them," the senior police official added.
Earlier, a 27-year-old tribal woman was allegedly gang-raped in Raigarh in Chhattisgarh. Police have arrested six people in connection with the incident. The incident took place in the Pusaur police station area on August 19, police said, adding the woman lodged a complaint at the Pusaur police station on Tuesday.