Chennai: In a heartwarming development, the Tamil Nadu government has allotted a house to 72-year-old Chinnapillai from Madurai, who was awarded Padma Shri and Nari Shakti Puraskar from the Centre earlier.
The decision comes after ETV Bharat Tamil Nadu highlighted Chinnapillai's story in a special news package on International Women's Day.
Chinnapillai, in an interview with ETV Bharat, expressed her disappointment that even after applying for a house under the 'Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana' three years ago, she did not get any dwelling. Following the news, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has ordered an immediate provision for a house to Chinnapillai under the 'Kalaignar Dream House' scheme.
In a press release, the Chief Minister's Office stated, "Padma Shri Chinnapillai from Madurai district, who was awarded the Nari Shakti Puraskar by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2000, recently expressed her disappointment that despite assurances, a house under the 'Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana' has not been provided to her."
After learning about Chinnapillai's disappointment, Stalin instructed the district administration to take appropriate steps to provide her with a new house. As per the announcement, Chinnapillai will be given a lease for an additional 380 square feet of land in Parthivapatti village under Pillucherry Panchayat in addition to a plot already allotted by the government. Furthermore, she will be provided with a new house under the 'Kalaignar Dream House' scheme, whose construction is set to begin this month.
Speaking to ETV Bharat after the announcement, Chinnapillai expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you so much ETV Bharat Tamil Nadu." She also called on the Central and state governments to take steps to eradicate use of alcohol throughout the country.
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