Bengaluru: Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar on Friday lashed out at BJP leaders for allegedly spreading lies about the investment scenario in the state. He was reacting to BJP state president B Y Vijayendra's charge that Karnataka is bearing the direct consequences of a 'lethargic and sleeping Congress government.'
Vijayendra's remark came in the wake of news that Google would produce smart phones and drones in neighbouring Tamil Nadu. Speaking to reporters here, Shivakumar said, "BJP leaders are tweeting false information about investments in Karnataka. They should be ashamed of spreading false information. We will give them proof with documents after the elections."
Responding to a query on BJP leaders saying that companies were investing in neighbouring states rather than in Karnataka, he said they (BJP leaders) must check facts. Lakhs of industrialists, businessmen have fled the country due to the BJP's poor governance, Shivakumar alleged. According to him, investors were showing interest in the state once again after the Congress government came to power.
"Our Industries Minister and IT minister are doing an excellent job. The whole country knows that Karnataka is the land of prosperity, progress and peace. The whole world is looking up to Bengaluru and Karnataka," the DCM said. Vijayendra had said on 'X' that Google is set to invest billions in Tamil Nadu to produce smart phones and drones.
"Karnataka is bearing the direct consequences of a lethargic, sleeping Congress 'Sarkaara' (government) that has completely lost its way looking directionless & driving the state towards a disaster owing to its misgovernance & misplaced priorities," he said.
While the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Central government has succeeded in attracting investments to India, the Congress government in Karnataka has failed miserably in showcasing Karnataka as a "top investment destination" and instill confidence in the investors, Vijayendra said.
"This is the same government that ruined Karnataka farmers and failed to defend our share of Cauvery water in favour of its alliance partner DMK (in Tamil Nadu). No surprise, same trend continues with multi-billion dollar investments making their way to Tamil Nadu!" the BJP state chief said.