New Delhi: In the upcoming Delhi Assembly Elections 2025, one of the keenly debated matters is whether auto drivers will move away from AAP. Conversations with auto drivers in different parts of the city revealed that this time, some of them are angry with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government and are openly expressing their inclination towards the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). However, some others expressed their desire to remain loyal to the AAP.
Auto driver Vinod Mahato said that the AAP government has harmed the prospects of auto drivers and their conditions deteriorated after the arrival of bike taxis. Neither development work has been done nor have we got any relief, he said.
Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, who has been driving an auto in Delhi for the last 9 years, said that the price of an auto has reached Rs 11 lakh because they have to buy it in black and an expensive car can be bought for this amount. "I have been thinking of buying an auto for 9 years, but am not able to buy it due to inflation. I drive an auto on a rent of Rs 400 per day," he said.
Is the condition of Delhi's roads bad? Murari Upadhyay, who has been driving an auto for 20 years, said that the condition of Delhi's roads is very bad. We are people who depend on the road to earn our livelihoods and bad roads are the biggest problem for us, he said. Even today, vehicles are running on the roads built during Sheila Dikshit's government and we are not getting the full benefit of free electricity and water schemes, he said.
Anuj Shah, who has been driving an auto for 10 years, said that there is no work for auto drivers in Delhi. "Arvind Kejriwal's policies have worsened our situation. This time we will support BJP," he said.
Because of financiers: Santosh Kumar Mishra, who has been driving an auto for 20 years, said that auto drivers have no work these days. Autos worth 2 lakhs have to be bought for 10 lakhs and financier scams are forcing auto drivers to buy autos in black.
Bhole, who has been driving an auto for 10 years, said that they are not satisfied with the work of Arvind Kejriwal. "We will bring the Modi government this time. We may not have the face of the Chief Minister, but we will vote in the name of Modi ji," he said.
Some Support 'AAP': Not all auto drivers are angry with the "AAP" government. Salim, who has been driving an auto for the last 10 years, said that he is completely satisfied with the work of Arvind Kejriwal. The level of education in government schools has improved, he said. Dinesh Kumar said that he will give priority to development work and he will vote for the government that does good work.
There is some resentment against the AAP government among the auto drivers especially regarding expensive autos, bad roads and lack of work. However, due to education and some schemes, the support of some drivers remains with AAP. To what extent the growing support from auto drivers will help the BJP in the elections is debatable.
There are a total of 70 assembly constituencies in Delhi. The Election Commission has announced that voting for the Delhi Assembly Elections 2025 will be held on February 5, and counting will be held on February 8.