Janjgir Champa (Chhattisgarh): In a tragic turn of events, Panch Ram Yadav, a 65-year-old Congress leader, along with his wife and two sons, was found dead after reportedly consuming poison in their home in Boga Par, Janjgir.
The incident came to light late on August 30 when neighbours noticed a foul smell emanating from Yadav's residence and observed that the family had been unresponsive. Concerned, they alerted the Kotwali police. The authorities arrived and shifted Panch Ram Yadav, his wife and their two sons to the Janjgir District Hospital.
Despite initial treatment, the severity of their condition necessitated referral to SIMS Hospital in Bilaspur. Neeraj Kumar Yadav, one of the sons, succumbed to the effects of the poison the same night. Panch Ram Yadav, his wife, and their other son, Suraj Yadav, were subsequently admitted to RB Hospital where they also breathed their last on Sunday.
According to Praveen Dwivedi of Kotwali Police Station, the family had consumed poison for reasons currently unknown. A case has been registered and an investigation is underway to determine the circumstances leading to this tragic incident.
Panch Ram Yadav, who previously served as the District Secretary of the Congress Committee, had been involved in contracting and recently ventured into fabrication work. Reports indicate that he had been struggling with financial difficulties, including the sale of one of his properties to manage debt. However, the exact reasons behind the family's decision to take such a drastic step remain unclear.
Read more: Chhattisgarh: Child Among 5 Members Of Same Family Murdered, Killer Dies By Suicide