Jehanabad (Bihar): In a shocking incident in Jehanabad, Bihar, a Class IX student caused alarm by bringing a pistol to school. The incident took place in Karpi block when fellow students noticed one of their classmates displaying a 7.64 bore pistol in class. Concerned for their safety, some students quickly reported the incident to the headmaster, who promptly intervened.
On reaching the classroom, the headmaster searched the student's bag, but initially, no weapon was found. Following the headmaster’s alert to the police, they arrived at the school and could not trace the gun. When they questioned the girl, she confessed to bringing the pistol to the school. It was revealed that the student had brought the weapon to impress her peers.
According to the police, when the news spread, the student had hidden the gun in her friend's bag before the headmaster could locate it. The police interrogated the student, who initially did not admit, but eventually, she confessed to bringing the pistol to the school. They later recovered the firearm outside her home, where her family had attempted to dispose of it upon learning what had happened in the school.
An investigation is currently underway to uncover how the student obtained the pistol, and a case has been registered against them unknown under the Arms Act as the pistol was recovered outside the residence of the girl, said Rajendra Kumar Bhil, Arwal SP.
After this, the school management and students heaved a sigh of relief. This incident remained a topic of discussion. But the question is, where did the student get the pistol from? The police are looking for answers to these questions.
Read more: Delhi: Class 6 Student Mistakes Pistol for Toy, Brings It to School