New Delhi: The Special Judge for Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) cases in Ghaziabad on Wednesday sentenced K K Bhardwaj, then Branch Manager of UCO Bank at Taharpur Bhabisa Branch in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar to five years Rigorous Imprisonment with a fine of Rs 70,000 for offences of alleged conspiracy, misconduct, cheating and forgery.
The CBI had registered a case on March 31, 1993, against then Branch Manager and unknown persons. It was alleged that the accused, while posted and functioning as Branch Manager, in the aforesaid branch during the year 1991-92 entered into a conspiracy with a private person with the object to commit the offence of misconduct, cheating and forgery. The private person had opened two SB Accounts in two fictitious names, Ashok Kumar Sharma and Narendra Kumar Goel, in the said Branch of the bank, the Central probe agency claimed.
Both the aforesaid accounts were dishonestly allowed to be opened by the accused Branch Manager. Subsequently, it was alleged that Rs 27 lakh were deposited on December 24, 1991 and November 4, 1992, in the account opened in the name of Ashok Kumar Sharma. This was later on used to prepare drafts in the names of three persons through a cheque presented by the said private person, CBI claimed in a communique.
Similarly Rs 21 lakh were deposited in the other account opened in the name of Narendra Kumar Goel which was used to issue eight drafts of various amounts by accused KK Bhardwaj. These drafts were issued by said Branch Manager who also allegedly issued fake certificates certifying that these drafts were issued from NRE account and the funds had been received in convertible Foreign Exchange, the agency said.
On the basis of the certificates, issued by the accused K K Bhardwaj, the persons who received the amount by way of above demand drafts claimed exemption in Income Tax under Foreign Exchange (Immunities) Scheme, 1991 under which any gift received from Non Resident External Account had immunity from Income Tax.
After investigation, CBI filed chargesheet on February 23, 1996 against Bhardwaj and the said private person, the CBI said. After completion of trial against the accused Bhardwaj, the Trial Court found the accused guilty and sentenced him accordingly, it said.
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