New Delhi: Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested two accused including a Field Officer of Grameen Bank of Aryavart at Pali Razapur Branch in Uttar Pradesh's Aligarh in an alleged bribe case.
A case was registered by CBI on the basis of a complaint against Mohit Agarwal (Field Officer) on allegations of demanding undue advantage from complainant and his father, the Central probe agency claimed on Thursday.
The demand was allegedly made by accused to settle the outstanding dues of an old KCC loan account of complainant's father. That loan account had been declared as NPA (Non Performing Asset) and the bank allegedly had wrongfully calculated the outstanding amount of Rs 10,03,232 in the said account, the CBI claimed.
It was further alleged that the Field Officer for the purpose of settling the outstanding KCC loan amount, opened two new KCC loan accounts in the name of complainant's father and transferred Rs 8 lakh and Rs 1.5 lakh to the old KCC loan account, the probe agency claimed.
The accused field officer allegedly demanded the bribe of Rs 20,000 from complainant for extending the alleged favour. Subsequently, the accused reduced the bribe demand to Rs 18,000, CBI said.
CBI laid a trap and during the trap proceedings accused Field Officer allegedly directed complainant to handover the bribe money to a daily wager engaged in the bank branch, who allegedly accepted bribe amount of Rs 18,000. Both the accused persons were arrested by the CBI.
Searches were conducted at the residential premises of both the accused persons at Hathras in Uttar Pradesh. Investigation is underway, CBI said.