New Delhi: The CBI has arrested Vijay Maggo, a legal officer of the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) and a "middleman", for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 5 lakh to unseal two shops of a businessman here, officials said on Friday.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has seized Rs 3.79 crore in cash, besides other incriminating documents, during searches at the premises of the accused, they added.
It was alleged that the accused legal officer demanded a bribe of Rs 40 lakh from the complainant in the name of another officer of the DUSIB for getting his two shops unsealed and allowing him to run those in an unhindered manner, a CBI spokesperson said in a statement.
Following a complaint from the businessman, the federal agency laid a trap on Thursday and arrested Maggo while he was allegedly receiving Rs 5 lakh, a portion of the bribe amount, the officials said.
"The CBI also conducted searches at the residential premises of the accused which led to the recovery of Rs 3.79 crore cash and some property documents," the statement added.