Bengaluru: An FIR has been registered against an online poker gaming app on the charges of defrauding over Rs three crore. The Cyber Economic and Narcotics Crime (CEN) Police Station in Bengaluru Central Division lodged a case based on the complaint of a 33-year-old man.
In the complaint, the person states, "When we invest a small amount of money in an online poker gaming app, we are allowed to win. But when we invest a large amount, we are defeated. When we get suspicious and ask for information about the table we played, we are not provided. There are many loopholes in the app and there is no security for the money invested. When we told them about filing a complaint, they called and tried to convince us that if we invested again we would win".
The complainant, a techie, said in 2023 he detected fraud in the app as there were multifarious complaints from the users, following which the platform started issuing refunds in tranches to the users. When he took the matter up with the platform's grievance redressal department, he was given an explanation that he needed to invest smaller amounts to magnify the chances of winning big.
Based on the complaint, the CEN Police have initiated an investigation.
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