Bengaluru (Karnataka) : Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin has been summoned by a Bengaluru court in connection with his 'Sanatana Dharma' remarks. Udhayanidhi has been summoned by the 42 MCMM court in Bengaluru to appear before it on March 4 on a complaint lodged by a Bengaluru local person named Paramesh. In its summons, the court has directed the Tamil Nadu Minister to appear in person for the March 4 hearing.
Udhayanidhi, who is the son of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, stoked a controversy last year by comparing Sanatana Dharma to 'dengue' and 'malaria' fevers and made a strong suggestion for its elimination. At that time, Udhayanidhi's comment created a political uproar across the nation.
Besides Udhayanidhi, the court also issued summons to S Venkatesh, Madukar Ramalingam and Adavan Dichanya who organized the event where the TN Minister had made those controversial remarks.
Paramesh, in his complaint, said, ''I read in the newspaper that Udhayanidhi Stalin had given a speech that Sanatana Dharma is like dengue and malaria at the Sanatana Dharma Eradication Conference held on September 3, 2023 in Teynampet, Chennai. This statement seems to incite unrest and rebellion in the society. The people who read this statement spoke against my religion. This has hurt my religious feelings. Therefore legal action should be taken against Udhayanidhi Stalin,'' the petitioner requested in the complaint.
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