New Delhi: After resigning as the Chief Minister of Delhi, Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal will campaign for the Haryana assembly elections from September 20. He will conduct a roadshow in Jagadhari assembly and campaign in Dabwali, Kalayat, Rewari, Dadri, Assandh, Ballabhgarh and Badra assembly constituencies. AAP General Secretary and Rajya Sabha MP Dr Sandeep Pathak on Thursday said Kejriwal will cover 11 districts and participate in 13 programs.
Pathak said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is going to be completely wiped out from Haryana. There has been a BJP government for the last 10 years and it could not trust former Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, so it brought a new face. The question is what was the need to bring a new Chief Minister in last year?
The AAP MP said they insulted farmers, soldiers and women. The unemployment and inflation rates are at their peak. There is misgovernance and disorder all around. They are losing trust among the public. The question is which party will get a chance this time? Haryana gave chances to different parties to govern for five-year and two 10-year terms. Did these parties serve the public? There is no answer to this. The public is tired of the parties. Kejriwal has come to the people of Haryana for the first time. This is a good option to bring a change for the people of Haryana. They have seen how the works are done in Punjab and Delhi. This time, they will vote for the honest politics of AAP.
The BJP will benefit from the lack of alliance between the AP and the Congress in Haryana.
Pathak said, “We do not do such petty politics. We have come into politics by sacrificing everything. Our aim is not to bring down or humiliate any party. Our party will contest to win. Whoever comes will have his vote cut. The public will vote for the one they trust. We have to go to the public with issues like schools, hospitals, good administrative systems and other issues. We are contesting elections in all the assemblies and we will go everywhere. We have come to show a new political direction to this country”.
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