Jammu: In a tragic incident along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district, Havaldar V. Subbaiah Varikunta of 25 Rashtriya Rifles lost his life after stepping on a landmine during routine patrolling.
The incident occurred in the Mandi sector, where the soldier sustained critical injuries and succumbed despite receiving prompt medical attention, Defence officials said on Monday.
The martyrdom of Havaldar Varikunta has sent shockwaves across the military and his hometown. The General Officer Commanding (GOC) of White Knight Corps paid a heartfelt tribute.
The Army in a post on X stated, "GOC WhiteknightCorps and all ranks pay solemn tribute to the braveheart Havaldar V Subbaiah Varikunta of 25 RR, who made the supreme sacrifice during an area domination patrol in the general area of ThanedarTekri, Poonch, on 09 December 2024, following a mine blast. Our deepest condolences to the bereaved family. We stand steadfastly with them in this hour of grief."
Authorities, including the Army and local police, have launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the explosion, officials said. Meanwhile, tributes and messages of solidarity have poured in for the soldier and his family, highlighting his supreme sacrifice for the nation's security.
Havaldar Varikunta's valiant service and sacrifice will remain a testament to the courage and dedication of the Indian Army, a Defence spokesperson said.