New Delhi: Ahead of Interim Budget 2024, there was a big shock as the price of commercial cylinders was increased by Rs 14. Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) announced the increase in commercial LPG prices on Thursday. According to the latest update, the price of a 19 kg commercial LPG gas cylinder has been increased by Rs 14.
The new rates will be effective from February 1. Now the price of a commercial LPG cylinder in Delhi will be Rs 1,769.50, Rs 1769.50 in Kolkata, Rs 1,887.00 in Mumbai and Rs 1,937.00 in Chennai.
Despite the increase in the price of commercial LPG, the price of domestic LPG cylinders remained unchanged. It may be recalled that the revision for both commercial and domestic LPG cylinders usually happens on the first day of every month.
State-owned Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) revise the prices of LPG and Aviation turbine fuel (ATF) on the first of every month, based on the average international price of the previous month.
This time this announcement was made on the day when Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman was presenting the Interim Budget. However, domestic LPG cylinder prices will remain unchanged. LPG is popularly used as motor fuel, cooking gas, heating as well as freeze purposes and even for some high-level industrial purposes.