New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh submitted a Suspension of Business Notice (under Rule 267) in the Rajya Sabha on Monday to discuss the indictment of industrialist Adani by a US court. In the notice, Singh demanded a detailed discussion on the ongoing corruption investigation involving Adani in the US. He alleged that an unethical and direct nexus between capitalists and the Central government is fuelling the rise of capitalism in the country, widening the gap between the rich and the poor.
Singh further stated that this corruption is not limited to one industrialist, but could create a deep crisis for the entire economy and the constitution of India. He accused the Central government of attempting to cover up the issue and demanded that, like in the US, an investigation into the Adani Group's corruption should also be conducted in India.
He highlighted a major corruption case in the US court involving Adani and alleged a scam worth over Rs 2,000 crore. Singh claimed that this scandal, involving prominent industrialists and government officials, is damaging India's economic system. He criticised the growing influence of capitalism, which, according to him, is eroding the rights of ordinary citizens and undermining the Constitution’s spirit.
Singh also alleged that the government is failing to take action against those involved in corruption. He appealed to the House to prioritise the discussion on this serious issue under Rule 267 so that the government's stance could be clarified, and appropriate action taken. He urged that all other House proceedings be halted to allow a thorough debate on the matter.
Read more: Adani Case Raises Issue Of Extraterritorial Application Of American Laws: Attorney