Chandigarh: Following a dramatic sequence of events around the alleged irregularities in the Chandigarh mayoral polls, AAP leader Kuldeep Kumar on Wednesday finally assumed charge as the Chandigarh Mayor amid celebration by the party workers. The election for the posts of Senior Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be held in coming days for which the Mayor will be the Presiding Officer.
Before taking charge as the Mayor of the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation, AAP leader Kuldeep Kumar was given a grand welcome as supporters rolled a red carpet for him and beat drums to welcome him. Senior leaders of Congress and Aam Aadmi Party, who jointly fought the Mayoral elections were present on the occasion. Chandigarh MP Pawan Kumar Bansal and co-incharge of Aam Aadmi Party Dr. Sunny Ahluwalia congratulated the new Mayor Kuldeep Kumar by feeding him laddus.
'Victory of Democracy': On this occasion, Dr. Sunny Ahluwalia said, "Today democracy has won. The mayor of the city has reached here fighting for the truth. Now our entire focus is to fulfill the needs of the people of the city. The Aam Aadmi Party-Congress alliance will fulfill the needs of the people. We are sure that the elections of Senior Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor will also be won by the alliance."
Had Hope That Justice Would Prevail: After assuming the charge of Mayor of Chandigarh, AAP leader Kuldeep Kumar said, "I was hopeful that I would get justice. For this we went to the Supreme Court and I had full faith that we would get justice. Ultimately truth has prevailed," he said over the Supreme Court declaring Kuldeep Kumar as the real elected Mayor.