Hyderabad: The Telangana Police has passed the special test conducted for selection for the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission (UNPM). In all, 19 police personnel comprising SP, DSP, Inspector and Constable passed. Over 225 people from different states across the country appeared for these exams and out of them 164 passed.
As part of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission programme, special forces are sent to countries facing internal crises. Between June 6 and 15, the ITBP 22nd Battalion in Delhi conducted an examination for 225 policemen from different states across the country. The test was conducted under the guidance of two foreign officers, who had come from New York, and conducted driving and firing tests.
Out of which 19 passed all the exams. Telangana Cyber Security Bureau SP Devendrasingh, DSPs Challa Sridhar, Pratap, Jupalli Ramesh, Majid Ali Khan, Sridhar Reddy, KM Kirankumar, Narsinga Rao, Alex, Inspectors Suresh, Vijaykumar, Head Constables Yadagiri, Srinivasulu and others passed. The Central government will send them to the respective countries when requested by the UN.
Read more: India and Its Pivotal Role in the UN Peacekeeping Force