Hyderabad: The Lok Sabha election campaign has reached its final stage. Candidates, who are in the fray in the seventh phase of polls, are making the last efforts to attract voters. However, a family in Bihar has become the subject of discussion as polling is going to be held in the seventh phase on June 1. There are 165 members in that family. To impress the family members, the followers of the political leaders are roaming around their houses. Let's know more about that family.
Chandel family members-110 Voters In One Family In Bihar
In all, 165 people live in a house called 'Chandel Niwas' in Patna city. There are 110 voters in this family. This time 10 people in the family comprising four boys and six girls got new voting rights. All of them are educated and they are politically aware citizens. In any election, they discuss before casting their votes. After that, 70 to 80 per cent of the people come to a consensus on one candidate and vote for him. But, others, who disagree will vote for a different candidate.
Leaders consider the Chandel family as a 'vote bank'
Local leaders consider the Chandel family as a vote bank. As a result, during the elections, the supporters of the candidates go around the Chandel family seeking their votes for their leader. Efforts are made to impress them.
"One should take the family's opinion before voting. But, my vote is for development. Here there are problems of rising prices and unemployment. The road is very bad. There is also the problem of women's safety," says Kalpana Singh, a member of the Chandel family
Another woman from the Chandel family, Suman Singh, says that she will follow the family beliefs and therefore she will vote for those who are told by the family.
Anushka Kumari, who is going to vote for the first time, says that her priority is education. It learnt that the government is working hard to improve the education sector in Bihar. On the other hand, another member Abha Singh said that the current government has also done a lot for women's safety while the condition of schools has become better than before.
'Priority to local issues'
Shivendra Singh, a member of the Chandel family, who teaches at a local management institute, lamented the lack of local public representatives in the area, dilapidated roads, broken drainage lines and poor sanitation. He said that he would think about these while voting.
"I will vote for the interest and development of the country. But, even if there is a consensus during the current Lok Sabha elections, everyone is free to vote for their favourite candidate. But, when assembly and city panchayat elections are held, the votes of all members of the family go to one candidate," Amit Gautham, a member of the Chandel family
'We will decide on May 31'
Senior family member Arun Kumar Singh (74) said that none of the candidates have come to their house yet. He said that the local followers of the candidates would come. They clarified that they will meet on May 31 and take a decision on the candidate.
Family background
Arun Kumar Singh's father hails from Raghopur in Vaishali district. Arun's father has a brother. Both of them were farmers. However, the agricultural land in the village was sold and in 1974 both the brothers came to Patna. Later, both of them took a plot and built a house. Both their children are now living in Chandel's residence. Out of 165 people in this family, 35 people are away from home. Some are abroad. Others live in cities like Mumbai, Delhi and Noida due to their profession and jobs. There are 24 engineers, two doctors and four lawyers in this family. More than 20 people are doing corporate jobs. Many women are also employed locally.
Read more: Voting En Masse In 'Festival Of Democracy': 96 Members Of A Family Cast Their Votes In Karnataka