Video: Peacock welcomes rains with bewitching dance at Bihar's Valmiki Tiger Reserve
Bagaha (Bihar) : A peacock dance symbolises boundless happiness and soaring spirit. As they say, peacocks dance only when they are happy and only when their surroundings are perfect. In Bihar, an impressive video of peacocks welcoming rains with their spread-out swags has surfaced from Champapur Road near Chamania Mod under the Valmiki Tiger Reserve (VTR).
It is said that those who saw peacock dancing in the forest are a blessed lot. Often in the rainy season, when the weather is very pleasant, a picture of the peacock dance comes back to our memory. When the peacock's dance gets captured in the camera, it's all the more heartening.
During rainy season, peacocks spread their swags and dance in fun. During this, some of the feathers break. Anyway, once a year in the month of August, all the feathers of peacock fall. These feathers come out again before the arrival of summer. Although the peacock plays a lot of fun games and, with such an alluring performance, the peacock attracts peahen.
The long wings of the peacock with shining eyes cover the peacock in such a way that this sight steals the heart of the peahen and then she chooses the peacock whose performance she finds most pleasing. But the performance of the peacock does not end with just spreading its wings. It bends the swag forward. After this, he starts dancing with great style.
The dancing peacock also starts screaming loudly, in this way he makes the peahen realize that he is trying to woo her. The peacock who puts on the most spectacular performance eventually wins the peahen's heart.
According to experts, the age of peacock is 25 to 30 years. The length of male peacock is about 215 cm and the length of female peacock is only about 50 cm. It is very easy to identify male and female peacock. There is a big tuft on the head of the male and a small tuft on the head of the female. There is a bunch of long and decorative feathers on the small tail of the male peacock. The female bird does not have these decorative feathers.