When the apparently innocuous Coronavirus turned into a lethal weapon of nature for Malthusian drill, the technology came to assist us. Ever since the virus started affecting our breathing we started studying its genetic code to make vaccines in a recombinant way. Most vaccines available today are capable of preventing several viral diseases like polio, diphtheria, tetanus, etc. Coronavirus, which is in the ambit of medicine is under intense study. Of late, we realized that it mutates too fast and gives birth to new variants. Some mutations give longer life to viruses and some mutations shorten its life. Some mutations make the virus more virulent while others make them less virulent.
Dominant B.1.617:
Recently B.1.617 variant of Coronavirus is a devastating entire landscape of India. This surging virus is dominating many parts of India. This is also seen in more than 40 countries. Earlier B.1.1.7 variety in Delhi was populous and spread to Punjab. This strain reached India from the United Kingdom. In West Bengal B.1.618 strain was well spread. But now B.1.617 strain has spread to northwest India by replacing the local variants. 617 strain also predominantly spread in Maharashtra. INSACOG, Indian SARS-Cov2- Genome sequencing, has been analyzing various strains of COVID. The 617 variety has also given birth to a subtype B.1.617.2 in the U.K. This was identified in the 1st week of May.
This strain was first observed in October 2020 in India. By February 2021 it has spread more than 60% in Maharashtra. The National Institute of Virology in Pune has been monitoring the growth of the family tree of this virus. In South India, the CCMB (Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology) has discovered the N440K variety, which has a shorter incubation period and causes the disease much rapidly. Its creating havoc in Andhra Pradesh and neighboring states. This is 15 times more virulent than earlier versions. It is stronger than B.1.617 and B.1.618. However, this Kurnool variety is slowly dying and replaced by B.1.1.7 and B.1.617 in South India. So, this is a double mutant.