
By ETV Bharat English Team

Published : Sep 12, 2023, 3:33 PM IST

ETV Bharat / sukhibhava

The Silent Threat: Gingivitis and Its Impact on Oral Health

Gingivitis, often downplayed in its early stages, can escalate into a severe dental and gum disease if not addressed promptly.

Gingivitis, often downplayed in its early stages, can escalate into a severe dental and gum disease if not addressed promptly.
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Hyderabad:Maintaining good oral hygiene through regular teeth cleaning and brushing from childhood is a widely recognized practice. The common belief is that neglecting oral hygiene could lead to tooth decay or tooth loss. However, beyond tooth decay, there exists a host of other dental issues, among which gingivitis is very prominent. Gingivitis, characterized by gum inflammation, is a prevalent condition, often inconspicuous in its early stages, with symptoms that may appear mild. Nevertheless, if left untreated, it can escalate into a severe dental and gum ailment.

The Underlying Causes of Gingivitis

Inadequate oral hygiene is regarded as the primary cause of gingivitis. However, medical professionals say that various medical conditions and other factors can also contribute to this condition. Gingivitis can be considered a 'silent' ailment because its initial stages rarely exhibit severe symptoms.

Side effects of medicines: Certain medications can have adverse effects on oral health.

Oral diseases: Pre-existing oral diseases or underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes, can exacerbate gingivitis.

Reduced saliva production: Inadequate saliva production in the mouth can create an environment conducive to gingival inflammation.

Genetic factors: Some genetic diseases and conditions may increase susceptibility to gingivitis.

Vitamin C deficiency: A lack of vitamin C can weaken gum tissue and contribute to gingivitis.

Lifestyle choices: Smoking and excessive coffee consumption can exacerbate gingivitis.

Dietary habits: Poor dietary choices, including high carbohydrate, sugar, salt, and oil consumption, can impact gum health.

Hormonal imbalances: Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as those occurring during menstruation or pregnancy, can influence gingivitis.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Gingivitis

Gingivitis starts with mild symptoms that are often not taken into consideration. General symptoms of gingivitis include gum swelling, redness, slight bleeding, or bad breath emerging.

Common Symptoms and Effects of Gingivitis:

Gum redness and swelling: Gingivitis typically begins with redness and swelling of the gums.

Persistent bad breath: Individuals with gingivitis often experience chronic bad breath.

Gum bleeding: Gums may bleed during or after brushing or eating.

White spots on gums: White spots can appear on the gums as gingivitis progresses.

Tooth sensitivity: Increased tooth sensitivity to temperature changes is common.

Tooth pain: Discomfort or continuous pain while eating or chewing can occur.

Tooth mobility: In severe cases, teeth may become loose or even fall out.

Effective Treatment and Precautions

Dr. Suraj Bhartari, a dentist at Health Care Dental Clinic in Thane, Mumbai, explains that oral hygiene is pivotal in preventing not only gingivitis but also various dental issues. However, when problems do arise, immediate treatment becomes important. Seeking medical advice and intervention at the earliest stage can effectively control or eliminate the issue before it escalates.

Precautions to Take in Gingivitis Treatment:

Regular dental check-ups: Routine dental check-ups are crucial for early detection and management.

Frequent brushing: Brushing teeth before bedtime and upon waking, with additional brushing after meals when possible.

Prescribed toothpaste: Using toothpaste prescribed by a dentist.

Flossing: Regular flossing under dental guidance.

Dietary choices: Maintaining a balanced diet, avoiding foods high in carbohydrates, sugar, salt, and oils.

Nutrition: Incorporating fresh and nutritious foods into the diet and ensuring adequate water intake.

Professional cleanings: Seeking professional teeth cleaning, which not only removes plaque but also treats teeth and gums, reducing infection and alleviating associated problems.

While maintaining oral hygiene is essential, seeking medical advice and treatment when issues arise is equally crucial. Dental professionals recommend regular check-ups, thorough oral care routines, and adherence to prescribed treatments to prevent gingivitis from progressing into more severe conditions.


Gingivitis may start subtly, but its consequences can be significant if left unchecked. It is imperative to understand the causes, recognize the symptoms, and take proactive measures to prevent and treat this condition. Good oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and lifestyle adjustments can go a long way in preserving our oral health and preventing gingivitis from turning into a severe dental ailment. So, let's not underestimate the importance of our oral health and take action to ensure our smiles remain bright and healthy for years to come.


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