Emotional abuse, unlike physical abuse is hard to detect, therefore, hard to deal with. But the effects could be as damaging as physical abuse, if not worse. By nature, it is insidious and quite often, indirect. 'It’s a lot more confusing to victims, as it typically is couched in behaviors that can initially be perceived as 'caring,' Lisa Ferentz, a licensed clinical social worker and educator specializing in trauma, tells HuffPost. Initially, they may behave in a kind and considerate manner, which is to win over the confidence of the victim. 'They win over the trust and confidence of their victims, which then makes the victims vulnerable to subsequent abuse,' Lisa explained.
Here are 5 signs that should show you that you are going through emotional abuse in your relationship.
You’re always trying not to disappoint your partner
You’re second-guessing and self-editing, which means you’ve internalized the subtly abusive behavior so that your partner doesn’t have to do it overtly,' says Steven Stosny, psychologist and author of Love Without Hurt. This also means that you are neither free nor secure in your own home. You are mostly calculating the risks of your actions and trying to play by your partner’s rules.
Your partner tries to maintain an upper hand in the relationship
'Your partner declares reality for you, denying or distorting how things really are, in order to shore up a perception that supports how they see things. Common ways that this can show up is being told, 'You’re not remembering correctly,' 'I never said that' or 'I never did that.' They might infer that you're not making sense or you're faulty in the way you're looking at things when you're not. Because these responses can instill self-doubt over time, you're more likely to go along with your partner's distortions. In time, self-doubt creates a loss of trust in your perception and judgment, making you all the more vulnerable to a partner who wants to control you,' says Carol A. Lambert, psychotherapist and author of Women with Controlling Partners.