Missing periods and feeling nauseous are the first signs of pregnancy, after which it can be confirmed through a test. But these are not the only symptoms that may indicate pregnancy. Many other symptoms too should be taken into account. Dr. Vijayalakshmi, a Gynecologist based in Uttarakhand says that women often come for pregnancy tests in case of absence of menstruation. But, they must know that it is not the only sign to look for. Various other symptoms may be experienced, which include:
Nausea or morning sickness
A few days after conception, women are likely to experience morning sickness or feel nauseous, which is considered the foremost sign of pregnancy. Dr Vijayalakshmi explains that this is a common symptom during the first trimester of pregnancy and certain foods or fragrances can trigger nausea. Also, morning sickness can be felt throughout the day. About 80 percent of women experience vomiting or nausea in the initial stages of pregnancy, for up to 12 weeks after conception, after which it usually ends.
Dr Vijayalakshmi says that once a woman has conceived, she does not menstruate, but at times light vaginal bleeding may occur, which is normal. This is known as spotting or implantation bleeding and women must not confuse it with periods. However, if there is excessive bleeding instead of spots, consult your doctor immediately.
Frequent urination