The study showed that at 90 days post-stroke, angiography patients are more likely to show a one-point improvement on the six-point scale that measures stroke disability. "Our study is the first clinical trial that shows the superiority of direct transfer to an angiography suite," said lead study author Manuel Requena, a neurologist and neuro interventionalist fellow at Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona.
"Our findings were close to what we expected, and we were surprised that they occurred so early in the study. We trust that they will be confirmed in ongoing, multicenter, international trials," Requena added.
According to the researchers, standard emergency department treatment for stroke patients involves a CT scan, which uses X-rays to pinpoint the presence and location of a blood clot. Angiography is an advanced X-ray imaging method that uses a catheter, or thin tube, inserted into the blood vessel to find the location and size of the blockage.