According to Yoga, back pain is classified under two headings: Adhija (stress born) and Anadhij (non-stress born). This concept is given in the Veda (the most ancient knowledge available to mankind) and further explained by Maharshi Vashishtha as the “Adhijvyadhi” title which explains the physical and mental causes of any disease.
ETVBharat Sukhibhava was in conversation with Dr. Janhvi Kathrani, Physiotherapist, Alternative Medicine Practitioner,and Yoga Teacher
Yogic science focuses on the philosophy of the three bodies of any human being.
- Gross Body: Physical (visible through eyes) body.
- Causal Body: Mental Body, Pranic Body, Intellect Body.
- Subtle Body: Soul (Atman)
Adhijvyadhi concept says that either it can be stress born or non-stress born.
- Adhija (Stress born): Mostly an aspect of intellect is involved with no co-relation to the physical injury as such. Back pain is secondarily associated with physical manifestation. Any mental or emotional stress or depression/anxiety can be the underlying cause of pain in the back. Nadi (energy channels) in the body are the pathways for pranic energy. This category of causes primarily needs Yogic Counseling; Cleansing processes, Pranayama and Meditation Practices, and then Asanas. (yoga poses).
- Anadhij (Non-stress born): Any injury, wear and tear fatigue or even prolonged tiredness can be the reason for back pain. Degenerative changes fall under this category. A cause which is not associated with any mental, emotional or intellectual stress falls belongs to this Anadhij concept of back pain.
This category requires focusing on physical strength and conditioning of the back muscles and ligaments as well as alignment of the spinal column (spinal bones) which can be done with Asana (yogic poses), pranayama, and followed by meditation practices. Counseling can be helpful to manage the daily activities and occupation with ease along with minimal changes in the outcome of the patient’s strength.
Now, as per the explanation above we can say that any back pain is either primary or secondary associated with both mental stress and physical issues; we need to focus on the management of any back pain accordingly