Washington:Too much screen time can slow children's recovery from concussions, but new research from UBC and the University of Calgary suggests that banning screen time is not the answer. More than 700 children aged 8 to 16 who self-reported their screen use during the first 7 to 10 days after an injury were studied to see if there were any associations with the symptoms that children and their caregivers reported throughout the subsequent six months. The kids that recovered from concussion symptoms the quickest had moderate amounts of screen time.
"We've been calling this the 'Goldilocks' group," said Dr Molly Cairncross, an assistant professor at Simon Fraser University who conducted the study while a postdoctoral fellow working with associate professor Dr Noah Silverberg in the psychology department at UBC. "It appears that spending too little or too much time on screens isn't ideal for concussion recovery," she added. Our research demonstrates that the conventional advice to keep children away from smartphones, computers, and televisions as much as possible may not be the best course of action.
The research was carried out as part of a wider concussion initiative called Advancing Concussion Assessment in Pediatrics (A-CAP), which was sponsored by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and headed by psychology professor Dr Keith Yeates at the University of Calgary. The data came from individuals between the ages of 8 and 16 who visited one of Canada's five emergency rooms after suffering a concussion or an orthopaedic injury, like a sprained ankle or broken arm. The inclusion of kids with orthopaedic injuries served the objective of comparing their healing to that of the group who had suffered concussions.
However, within the concussion group, it was not only a case of symptoms getting worse with more screen usage. Patients in the concussion group often had more severe symptoms than their orthopaedic injury counterparts. Children who spent less time watching screens recovered more slowly as well.