London: Research with psychedelic drugs has made a dramatic comeback amid a heady mix of softening societal attitudes, the lure of commercial opportunity, misgivings about the war on drugs, and the desire to develop new ways to treat mental health conditions. So you might have read in the media that there's a new study which shows that ketamine can banish depression or psilocybin is effective at treating post-traumatic stress disorder, or microdosing LSD makes you more creative.
In this fervour, which research is worth your time and, more importantly, your trust? Of course, what's worth your time depends on what you want. I'm a doctor, a drug researcher and a clinical trialist. As such, I'm interested in whether psychedelic therapy can be a new form of medicine. That question needs clinical trial evidence. That's what I'll be concentrating on here, although some of the principles apply to medical research more broadly.
Journals:First, your source. Good scientific research is published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Peer reviewed means that independent experts have read and anonymously criticised the paper. This is an important form of scrutiny. If the journal you're looking at does not support peer reviewing, move on. Some journals claim to be high-quality enterprises, publishing peer-reviewed articles but are actually pop-up money-making schemes that publish anything. Spotting these is a bit like spotting a spam email or social media post. Poor grammar, spelling and formatting mistakes, substandard websites and too-good-to-be-true statements are all telltale signs of a journal that wouldn't let the truth get in the way of a good publishing fee.
In contrast, good quality journals are generally long established, are indexed in scientific databases such as PubMed, and usually have good impact factors (a measure of how often the journals' papers are cited). While this isn't a perfect metric, it is useful as a guide, and it will be stated on the journal's homepage. A higher number is more reassuring. With a good quality journal, you're halfway there.
Authors:Before you read anything about the paper, look to see who the authors are, where they work and what their disclosures and funding sources are (this is usually stated at the end of an article). Authors who are top of their field often have great reputations. But they also have more to lose by results that don't fit their theories. They are more likely to be paid consultants for companies seeking to commercialise new treatments, too.
Similarly, just because a study comes from a pioneering, high-quality institution doesn't mean you should blindly trust it. In fact, those very teams that were the pioneers are precisely the ones who might also be heavily biased. Put another way, why would we have got into such a stigmatised field if we didn't hold a strongly positive preconception? That said, institutions and research teams with good reputations earn them because their peers respect their methods and believe their results. So, overall, go for the most well-respected authors, but have in the back of your mind the other factors at play.