Girls face lots of problems and inconveniences during the first time of their periods, till they get used to this physical change in their body. Some girls face Menorrhagia i.e., excessive period bleeding which lasts for more than 7 days, nausea, lightheadedness, stomach ache, and headaches. This results in a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions about periods which can also take the form of period blue or scare. The roles of parents during this crucial time in a girl’s life are very critical, they should not only counsel her about periods, changes in her body but also about the importance of nutrition, hygiene, and exercise. To know more about menstruation and nutrition ETV Bharat Sukhibhava spoke to expert Nutritionist Divya Kalsekar, and she shared some important guidelines with us.
Diet should be nutritious and digestible
As many girls today have PCOS problems due to lifestyle problems and junk food binges, Divya advises light and easily digestible food for girls. Diet should be rich in proteins, iron, and calcium, but should not be loaded with fat and junk food. A girl not only experiences physical changes but also a lot of psychological changes, like getting used to breasts and facial, body, and pubic hair. The skin becomes oily and pimples break out for many, it is important that we balance all these changes with the right nutrition. The right diet will not only help her in adjusting to the bodily changes but will also give her a positive outlook.
What Should be the diet?
Junk food and carbonated drinks are a big no, although girls consider these as stress food, Divya advised that the intake of these foods not only results in excessive weight gain but can result in child obesity also.
So, the child should be encouraged to eat a lot of colorful vegetables in her diet, green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, pulses and cereals, and whole grains. Along with vitamins and minerals these foods provide Folic acid which is considered important for a menstruating girl.