Several factors lead to mental disorders in adolescent age. Those are break ups, peer pressure, higher education system verses their capacity as portrayed by parents’ wishes, parents pressurizing, bullying by friends in school, colleges eg; giving different challenges with reference to weight, height skin complexion and many more. Adolescents believe & get engrossed in social media like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, & various sites of pornography, etc. Chemical changes in the brain take place at this age. A boy is portrayed to behave bold, confidently, using bad language, and a girl or females are supposed to be sober behaving listening to what the father or husbands telling the same time she should not be using bad language, she should adjust to the behaviour of every male member at home and if she accepts what is told to her even if she is not wrong.
How can good parenting help tide over the crisis?
Parents should teach children LIFE SKILLS. They should discuss with child about how to have a communication confidently by having eye to eye contact, how to understand once friends or fellow batchmates, how to solve any problems they face in day today life ,how to make decisions. Parents must teach the child about attitude of gratitude. Empathy is the most important skill to be taught. Child should be praised when he or she does anything positively.