

Published : Jul 3, 2021, 1:19 PM IST

ETV Bharat / sukhibhava

Nutrition for Gifted Child

Parents approach Paediatrician demanding for costliest tonics, saying “My kid should stand first”. Whenever exams or any competitions are there like Spelling, Swimming, Fancy dress, Elocution, sports or any plain academic exams District or National level parents start searching for brain tonics. ETV Bharat Sukhibhava was in conversation with Dr. Shama Jagadish Kulkarni, Lactation Paediatrician, Nasik, Maharashtra for more insights on the same.

Gifted Child, nutrition child
Healthy diet Children

What do you mean by a Gifted Child?

Any child with a high degree of general mental ability, or extraordinary ability in a specific sphere of activity or knowledge is a gifted child. They have high grasping power. They learn quickly than their peers. They have high cognitive ability. They perform at a higher level in one or more domains.

Highly intelligent child:

Can children on spectrum disorder be called Gifted?

A child with Autism spectrum disorder can have a wide range of IQ. They can be highly intelligent or have very low IQ

How can IQ determine whether the child is gifted or not? By testing IQ.

  • IQ 80-100 is normal
  • 100-120 Above normal
  • 120-140 Intelligent
  • Above 140 Extraordinary

How is a gifted child evaluated for scholastic performance?

Many times these children finish their classroom activities fast. Once they are free, they start behaving naughty. If the teacher is not trained, she is not aware that the child is highly intelligent, she may punish the child. The child may be extraordinary in one area & may be lagging behind in other. If a teacher is not aware, the punishment may deteriorate the child’s performance.

Need for special attention for such a child?

Being highly sensitive, they need proper emotional support. Parents need guidance for their upbringing. Wrong labels, lack of proper resources, will not allow the child to achieve the highest level of success.

Importance of education to parents and teachers when dealing with such a child?

Parents are ready to shell out any amount of money on memory tonics, multivitamin but according to Dr. Shama, dietary nutrition is the most important than any tonic. She threw light on a very important concept that in the 1st 1000 days of our life, brain wiring takes place, ie; neurons develop and connections develop, and brain growth occurs. In pregnancy, i.e. 280 days, a mother’s nutrition is very important. 1st 6 months baby should be given exclusive breastfeeding. Not even a single drop of anything else should be given. After 6 months, homemade soft complimentary freshly cooked food should be given. Breastfed infants have high I.Q.

So, in these 1000 days the more you pay attention to the child, the higher is the child’s intelligence. These days if you teach to love the child becomes loving, if you teach hatred child learns hatred, if you teach child nothing the child becomes a ball of flesh just growing in age. So what you teach these days what you feed is all that matters, how you behave with the child what inputs you give, what habits you inculcate is very important.

Food is important for living also for a healthy life. Food containing Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals Constitution a good nutritional source. Proper inclusion of vegetables, sprouts & pulses & grains helps in the physical and mental development of the child. A child will explore all the foods given to him which help in developing the taste of food. A small baby will consume foods that are delicious in taste and color.

More focus should be given by mothers in the nutrition value especially home-cooked and fresh food, which is solid. Indian foods like Turmeric not only heals wound but also increase immunity. Ragi or millets provide s calcium Sprouts & pulses provide proteins. Fruits provide different vitamins like vitamin C etc. People have a misconceptionthat packed food gives children more proteins as compared to natural foods. Instead ofdal water, rice water, chips, biscuits, tin food, give Idli, upma, poha with milk, Shira sprout dosa, vegetable stew.

All 5 Senses should be addressed, allow the child to feel the texture, color, to knead the dough, it gives a feeling of being involved in the family. Inputs to the brain are very important.

  • DHA- is found in walnut flax seeds, see a weed, algae, chia seeds, hemp seeds, edamame beans, kidney beans, soybean, Fish.
  • Iron is found in Jaggery, Dates, food cooked in Iron Utensils.
  • Natural foods which reach the brain helps in DNA.
  • Tinned or processed food has no nutritive value nor does it boost the brain.
  • Combination of Cereals, unpolished dals help in building the brain.
  • A child's brain helps in the cultivation of I.Q in 1000 days
  • Nutrition helps in brain reinforcement.
  • Nutrition helps in constructive play.

Also Read:Autism Awareness: Catch The Early Signs.

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