Measuring waistline gives us a reliable indicator of general health. A slim waistline is not only considered aesthetically beautiful but is also hale and healthy. Take a flexible measuring tape and measure the waistline just above the hip bones exactly keeping the tape horizontally. In women, a waistline less than 32 inches or 80 cm is desirable. In men, it should not be more than 37 inches or 94 cm. Although Body Mass Index should be within limits, or else higher BMI and higher waistline always pose a threat to our health.
Visceral fat vs subcutaneous fat: Unwanted abdominal fat is very inconvenient in our daily lives. This fat is of two types, namely visceral abdominal fat and subcutaneous fat. Over a period of time, due to our bad habits in food and physical activity, fat accumulates around abdominal organs like kidneys intestines, etc. Fat also accumulates under the skin. The researchers have found that the visceral fat produces FGF2 (Fibroblast Growth Factor-2) in larger quantities than the fat under the skin (subcutaneous). This factor contributes to cancers in the breast, colon, and other organs. Visceral fat also secretes RBP4 (Retinol Binding Protein-4) which increases insulin resistance and causes type2 Diabetes. Visceral fat is also responsible for causing high blood pressure.
Usually, 10% of the total body fat content will be visceral fat. Anything more than this is hazardous. Therefore, it is desirable to limit abdominal fat with a healthy routine. Junk food, too much alcohol, lack of exercise, stress contribute to belly fat. Consuming sweet beverages, binge eating, spending more time driving and riding, sleep during the daytime, and lethargic lifestyle are the culprits. Over time this condition leads to asthma, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and pancreatic problems.