These novel findings, from a register-based study conducted at Uppsala University in collaboration with three other universities, have now been published in The BMJ about the Owners of a dog with diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than owners of a dog without diabetes. No shared risk of diabetes could be detected for cat owners and their cats.
Previous studies have reported a possible association between adiposity in dog owners and their dogs. But could there also be a shared risk of diabetes for pet owners and their dogs and cats? Researchers at Uppsala University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Karolinska Instituted and the University of Liverpool have now together investigated this matter in a large cohort study.
Combining a Swedish veterinary insurance register with Swedish population and health registers, the researchers could extract information on pet owners residing in Sweden. More than 1lakhs 75 thousand dog owners and nearly 90 thousand cat owners and their dogs and cats were included in the study.