Hyderabad: The second Friday of October is celebrated as World Egg Day. It was established by the International Egg Commission (IEC) at a conference held in Vienna in 1996. IEC was formed to promote egg producers and promote and popularize the consumption of eggs as part of a balanced diet. Many countries now participate in World Egg Day, organizing various events. In these events, the distribution of free eggs, promotion on social media regarding the benefits of eggs, explaining the benefits of consuming eggs to children in schools, and cooking demonstrations are also done.
As both a delicious and beneficial food, eggs are an incredibly versatile ingredient. From poached eggs to preparing them in a variety of savory dishes, eggs hold an important place as an ingredient in many recipes. There is no country in the world that does not make extensive use of eggs in its traditional cuisine.
Eggs are a low-calorie, high-quality source of protein. Along with protein, eggs also contain vitamins B and D and a good portion of minerals, which are important for health. The eggs come in a biodegradable protective container. When it comes to protein, doctors recommend eating eggs first. Eggs also help in improving heart conditions. Eating just one egg every day can help prevent cardiovascular diseases.