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Insomnia, Difficulty In Sleeping: Ayurveda Can Help

Insomnia or sleeplessness is classified into two categories Transient and Chronic. Dr. S Yasmin, MD Ayurveda, Assistant Professor at SASAS Ayurveda Medical College, Andhra Pradesh. She says that people of the age group 30-60 years are more prone to Anidra (insomnia) and people over the age of 60 may face it even more.

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Insomnia Ayurveda


Published : Jun 24, 2021, 2:19 PM IST

“Sleep disorders are associated with the impairment of melatonin hormone which is secreted by the pineal gland during the night. The decreased level of melatonin leads to sleep disorders. This hormone regulates the sleep-wake cycle.” she explains. Sleep is important so that our body can perform the repair work and is also crucial for having a good memory and concentration. Lack of sleep can result in health conditions like hypertension, obesity, gastrointestinal issues, lack of coordination, lack of concentration, etc.

Classification Of Insomnia

Dr. Yasmin explains that insomnia can be broadly classified into two categories,

  1. Primary Insomnia
    This type of insomnia is not related to any health condition or diseases but is a result of certain life situations such as stress because of life events like loss of or critical condition of a loved one, end of a relationship, job loss, etc. It can also be due to environmental factors such as noise, light, and weather. A change of shift at work and jet lag can also impact your sleep.
  2. Secondary Insomnia
    Here, insomnia is basically because of a health condition or illness like asthma, arthritis, cancer, high blood pressure, menopause, heartburn, etc. Besides this, pain, allergies, substance (alcohol, tobacco, caffeine) use, and certain medications can also affect it. Mental issues like anxiety and depression and sleep disorders like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome are also causative factors.

Furthermore, insomnia or anidra can be of three types, depending upon how long they last. These are:

  • Transient Insomnia- it lasts for a night or a week and is usually caused by events that alter normal sleep patterns such as traveling or sleeping in a new/changed environment.
  • Short-termInsomnia-it may last for 2-3 weeks and is commonly attributed to emotional factors such as stress or worry.
  • Chronic Insomnia-in the case of chronic insomnia, one may suffer from it most nights and the condition may last for a month or more.

What Are The Symptoms?

Following are the symptoms as mentioned by our expert

  • Yawning
  • Drowsiness
  • Restlessness/discomfort
  • Fatigue and sluggishness
  • Headache
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Forgetfulness
  • Poor sensory perception
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Weight loss

Also Read:COVID-19 New Wave, Ayurveda Prescribes Symptom Based Solutions.

How Does Ayurveda Help?

In Ayurveda, there are many ways to cure insomnia. There are certain procedures and herbs and here are some of them as mentioned by Dr. Yasmin:


These procedures are particular to the condition and must be performed under expert supervision only.

  • Abhyanga (body massage with oil)
  • chakshu tarpana (drenching eyes with medicated oil)
  • shiro lepam (herbal paste treatment for head)
  • mukha lepam (herbal paste treatment for face)
  • shirodhara (pouring of the medicated oils on the forehead)
  • shirobasti (pouring of medicated oils into a cap around the head and letting it stand for some time)
  • Pada abhyanga (foot massage with oil)
  1. Purgation or detoxification with Eranda Taila (castor oil) 10-20ml in half glass of milk at night. Consume it under expert supervision.
  2. Herbs:There are many herbs that are helpful in resolving the problem of insomnia within 7-14 days. Some of the herbs are ashwagandha, jatamansi, brahmi, mandukaparni, mamsyadi kwatha, sarpagandhadi vati, etc.
  3. Manasik Upchaar:Manasik upchaar refers to remedies to calm the mind down. Pleasant smell, sound, or touch, inculcating positive and pleasant thoughts, having a feeling of satisfaction, etc. Apart from this, yoga and meditation can also help reduce stress, which is a major cause of insomnia. Spending some time outdoors can also help. Also, following brahmacharya or energy management can affect one positively.


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