New Delhi: In the latest update on Monday, the Union Health Ministry of India reported 54 new cases of Covid-19, which has taken the country's overall caseload to a staggering 4,49,96,653.
Also, the death toll climbed to 5,31,926, with one more individual succumbing to the disease. Amidst these challenges, there is a glimmer of hope as 46 individuals managed to recover from the illness, contributing to a cumulative recovery tally of 4,44,63,252.
India's healthcare system has been working diligently to fight the virus, and the country's recovery rate stands at an impressive 98.91 per cent. Currently, there are 1,475 active cases in India, indicating that while things are getting better, vigilance and prevention are still essential to stop further transmission.
The Union Health Ministry's data also highlights the significant progress in vaccination efforts. Over 220.67 crore doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered to date, underscoring India's commitment to inoculating its population and achieving widespread immunity.