During the winter season, a person faces many problems related to skin, typically dryness. But besides skin problems, sometimes issues related to nails may also be experienced, especially in the skin that surrounds the edges of the nails, known as cuticles, which are very sensitive.
Experts believe that nail infections begin from the cuticles themselves. Due to various reasons, when the skin begins to peel out, and intentionally or unintentionally, if a person peels it off, it can cause bleeding, pain and swelling. This can later form pus in the area, which can give birth to infections. In the same regard, ETV Bharat Sukhibhava spoke to the expert to know more about the cuticle problem and how it can be resolved.
Causes Of Problems Related To Cuticles
Dr. Asha Saklani, a Dermatologist based in Uttarakhand states that many factors can be considered responsible for problems of the cuticles. Some common causes include dry skin, cold weather, dehydration and in the current circumstances, frequent handwashing with soap and water or excessive use of sanitizers. Apart from this, cuticles can also be affected due to eczema, psoriasis, vitamin deficiency, allergy, growth of fungus due to unhygienic nails or broken or injured nails.
Dr. Asha Saklani says that many people trim their cuticles, but it should be avoided. Cuticles are very important to protect the nail roots and trimming cuticles increases the risk of infection and nail injuries. Apart from this, trimming the cuticles makes the skin there hard, which makes it prone to tearing or cracking. Also, the nailsbegin to become weak and painful.
How To Take Care Of Your Cuticles
Dr. Asha Saklani explains that to take proper care of your cuticles, it is important to keep your nails clean and moisturize your hands properly. For this, lotion, cream or moisturizer can be applied on hands at least twice a day after washing them. Apart from this, if you spend a long time in the sun, apply sunscreenon your hands at regular intervals.
If due to any reason, your cuticles start becoming rough, instead of trimming them, use a cuticle remover. It is usually made of coconut oil, potassium phosphate, potassium hydroxide and water as well as triethanolamine. Cuticle removers soften rough cuticles and restore normal skin in the affected area. Even after this, if the problem persists due to dryness, a person can apply petroleum jelly and wear gloves before going to bed. Additionally, the use of essential oil, coconut oil, and oil containing vitamin E is also beneficial.
Although the cuticles do not cause many problems once they become soft, if they do not look good, you can press the cuticles slightly with the help of an orange stick (a manicure tool), so that the nails are visible more clearly. An orange stick is a small wooden or metal stick that makes nails look beautiful by pushing back the cuticles. However, remember to carry out the process carefully, so as not to damage the cuticles.
Furthermore, our expert suggests that as far as possible, use a mild, chemical-free, herbal soap for washing your hands. Also, prefer washing your hands with soap and water, instead of using sanitizer.
Apart from this, it is also necessary to keep your body hydrated, so that your body does not lack moisture. Also, consume a diet rich in nutrients, especially vitamins, because that too can be responsible for the problems related to cuticles.
Dr. Asha says that even after all this if the problem persists or any other symptoms are witnessed, consult a doctor immediately.
Also Read:Understanding The Need Of Nail Hygiene Post COVID-19 Pandemic