It’s a known fact that a common cold let it be in the chest and head or the seasonal flu is caused by viruses. Cough is a natural reflex of the respiratory system. If dust or smoke enters the lungs mucus is produced to expel it. The presence of mucus in the respiratory tree incites cough.
One may experience fever, body aches, chills, running nose, headache, and breathlessness along with cough and cold. Breathlessness is a condition when a person feels breathless at rest. It may be due to decreased surface area in the lungs where the gaseous exchange takes place.
A typical bout of cough and cold can last from 5 days to a week, other problems that people face along with cold is a sore throat.
Our expert advises that during the seasonal flu and cough and cold, a person must drink lukewarm water throughout the day to soothe the throat. Also, gargle with salt water at least2-3 times a day.
As this is a monsoon season, cough cold, and seasonal flu is a common problem and people across India suffer from this. As these are also COVID times, it's important that people take good care of themselves, as weakened immunity can also lead to Coronavirus attacks.