The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, consisting of several nerves working together to make our body function properly. Also, keeping a record of every little thing can seem to be a challenge in this fast-moving world. However, the inability to keep track of things and recall them can be quite frustrating. Therefore, to solve these memory problems the Ayurveda way, the ETV Bharat Sukhibhava team spoke to Dr. P V Ranganayakulu, Ph.D. History of Ayurveda and he shared with us some of the memory boosting foods and tips to follow.
Before that, he explains that there are three stages (3Rs) to how our memory works - Reception, Registration, and Recall. To elaborate, when we are getting the information, reception should be very clear and a good registration of the information will be formed in our brains and once the information is registered well, recalling things will not be very challenging. If these things do not happen in a sequence, we are likely to lose the memory and will be unable to recollect it on time. The sign of a good memory is when you are able to remember things on time.
Foods Suggested
Dr. Ranganayakulu mentions that Clarified butter or cow Ghee is known to be “Medhya”, i.e. it boosts memory and intelligence and can be considered as the primary substance. Ghee is usually used in almost every Indian household and can be added to anything that we eat, like curry, dal, roti, khichdi, etc. There are certain herbs too like Brahmi, Shankhapushpi, and Malkangani which have proved to boost memory and IQ. Vacha is also a kind of a memory booster and helps with speech-associated issues as well. Apart from these, all the foods that help improve the bodyweight or basically the Kapha increasing substances all work to boost memory. Turmeric is also known as a memory-boosting spice, However, it has not been proved yet.
Some Other Tips
Some other tips that one can follow in order to boost memory, which include:
- Cutting down on refined sugar and carbs in our daily diet. Researches have shown that adding too much sugar to your diet can lead to poor memory and lower brain volumes, which is also an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Sleeping well also helps. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived people have a negative impact on their memories. Thus, a good sound sleep of 7-9 hours will result in better memory.
- Exercising is directly related to good mental health. A regular exercise routine reduces the risk of dementia later in life.
- Including antioxidants in the diet can prevent the brain cells from age-related deterioration. Fruits and vegetables, especially berries are rich in antioxidants and their consumption helps prevent memory loss.
- Meditation is known to positively affect both mind and body in many ways. It relaxes the mind, lowers stress levels, and is even known to improve memory. It is effective in improving both short-term and long-term memory.
- Apart from physical exercise, try exercising your brain as well. Playing crosswords, puzzles and other memory games is an excellent way to boost your brain and strengthen the memory.
- Smoking too is injurious for overall health and can also cause cognitive decline.
Dr. Ranganayakulu also stresses the fact that one must read more books than spending one leisure time. One must also try to live a stress-free life and “it is usually the peaceful mind that improves the memory”.