A balanced diet includes all the nutrients along with green leafy vegetables. However, it is during the monsoon season that doctors often discourage the consumption of leafy vegetables, since they are not as healthy and can be a cause of many diseases during this season. Here are some of the reasons why they are not healthy:
- Insects And Bacteria
Green leafy vegetables are the best breeding grounds for many tiny insects, bacteria, and microorganisms, who contaminate these vegetables and hence, become a source of diseases to whoever consumes them. - Not So Clean
During monsoons, these vegetables are not washed properly due to which some amount of dirt remains on it, carrying the chances of infection in the stomach. Therefore, if you cannot avoid them consume them only after thoroughly washing and cooking properly. - Grow In Swamp
Most of the green vegetables grow in swamp or marshy areas in rainy water, where bacteria grow in them. Their consumption can lead to problems like diarrhoea, vomiting, etc. - No Sunlight
In other seasons, the sun acts as a disinfectant, making the vegetables safe for consumption. But in monsoons due to lack of sun exposure, insects in vegetables remain there and the infection begins to grow. People may face health issues such as cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, etc. - Metabolism Gets Affected
Our metabolism is weak during this season and special care is required. Thus one must avoid the intake of oily, spicy, undercooked, and leafy vegetables. This increases the risk of indigestion, vomiting, etc. - Increases Pitta In The Body