Generally, herpes is an infectious disease, which can happen in any part of the body. But when it begins to occur in the male or female genitalia, it is considered to be a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) and is referred to as Genital Herpes. Genital Herpes is a disease that has no curative treatment, but it can be controlled with the help of medicines. So why does it happen, what are the symptoms, and can it spread from one person to another? To get answers to all these questions, ETV Bharat Sukhibhava team was in conversation with Dr. Sushant Shettym, Medical Head of Kaya Clinic India.
What Is Genital Herpes?
Herpes is a form of ringworm that appears in the form of pimples, blisters or ulcers on the skin. It is generally considered to be a bacterial skin infection, as it is caused by the herpes simplex virus. But sometimes this infection can also be transferred genetically in people.
Dr. Shetty explains that this infection is viral in nature and the effects of this disease can be seen on the skin of the genitals of men and women. Herpes is considered contagious and it can spread through touching an infected person’s affected area, their clothes, or any other objects they have touched previously. Similarly, genital herpes too is contagious and can spread from a person to another through sexual intercourse.
Dr. Shetty explains that although this infection can occur at any age, once it enters the body, the infection resides there permanently. Also, if someone has had the problem of chickenpox earlier, their risk of suffering from this infection is relatively higher.