Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in India last year, in 2020, doctors and experts have been working very hard to find a cure for this fatal disease. Experts have come up with medicines that can manage the symptoms of COVID-19, but no curative treatment has been found yet. Not just in Allopathy, in alternative medicines too, like Ayurveda and Homeopathy, many researches have been done till now and medication is being given accordingly. Focusing on Homeopathy, the ETV Bharat Sukhibhava team spoke to Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Homeopathic expert.
Dr. Rajan recently looked into hundreds of latest cases of COVID-19 across several countries and he has identified four homeopathic remedies for four sets of different kinds of symptoms that can greatly help the infected patients. Here are those medicines, their doses, and their indications.
The following medicines can be taken along with one’s standard prescribed medication.
ONLY ONE of the following medicines should be taken, according to the symptoms a person presents.
Consult a homeopathic doctor in case you are unsure about the medicine.
The medicines mentioned below can be taken for upto 7 days.
Medicines For COVID-19 Positive Patients
4 pills, 6 hourly
To be taken in case of- Intense restlessness, intense anxiety, feeling thirsty often for small quantities, diarrhea with watery motions, chills, cough that worsens with lying, fever with chills.
4 pills, 6 hourly
To be taken in case of- Dryness of mouth and lips with thirst for large quantities, also, sometimes no thirst. No desire to move, willingness to lie down, dry cough that worsens with talking, but warm drinks provide relaxation in cough. Irritability because of noise and disturbance.
4 pills, 6 hourly
To be taken in case of- Asymptomatic cases or cases with very few symptoms, less anxiety, skin sensitivity, positive mind, and physical weakness.
4 pills, 6 hourly
To be taken in case of- Person willing to have people or company, weeps easily, no thirst, dry lips, and mouth, yellowish phlegm, feeling hot and desires open air.
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Medicine For Non-infected People
The following medicine can be taken as an immune booster or preventive medicine by non-infected patients or non-infected people of the family, who are in contact with a COVID-19 positive patient. People who have received both their doses of the vaccine can also follow the same.
4 pills, twice a day for two days, once every 2 weeks.
Alternative medicines have proven to be effective to a great extent in dealing with coronavirus and homeopathy is one of them. However, remember that in case you see your symptoms worsening or lasting for more than the normal time period, contact your doctor immediately. Also, if you have any underlying medical condition, contact a homeopathic expert prior to taking these medicines. Apart from this, early intervention is extremely necessary. Do not delay your treatment because the new strain of COVID-19 is more virulent as compared to the previous strain and the situation can worsen very quickly. Contact your doctor or healthcare provider as soon as you notice any symptoms, to begin the treatment on time.