New Delhi: The human brain, even neurologists and neuroscientists know that we have still not figured out the length and breadth of what is possible by this wondrous 3-pound organ. The brain is more powerful than any supercomputer that exists. If we as humans are gifted with a 'brain' that is infinitely powerful, how is it true that some people create extraordinary life outcomes whilst others stay in mediocrity, helplessness, depression, fear, and a host of other mental and physical challenges?
Here's Harini Ramachandran, the Co-Founder of Antano & Harini, sharing secrets, which have helped thousands of driven individuals dramatically enhance their brain functioning. As a direct result of this, individuals have been able to accelerate their success, break out of the shackles of; no time or no money, launch a legacy, or create a BIG Impact in the world! But first! Let's understand:
What impacts brain functioning? What physically changes the brain in an un-useful way, is when people get used to less than optimal states of mind; inadequate or suboptimal responses to ongoing life situations and challenges, poor emotional mastery or attitude, and lack of emotional choices may lead to havoc.
One may want to believe that "it's okay to not be okay!" but emotional states of depression, anxiety, stress, etc. have a long-term, degenerative impact on the brain. Medical journals are replete with evidence revealing the degenerative and impaired functioning of the hippocampus and the Prefrontal Cortex for people with prolonged or pathological anxiety and chronic stress. Medical evidence also reveals that parts of the brain physically shrink in people with depression. Yes, physically. These parts lose Gray Matter Volume (GMV), which is the brain's tissue and that's a bad place to be!
However, if un-resourceful states of depression, anxiety, or stress can cause permanent changes to the brain, we wondered, is the reverse also true? What if we can naturally get people to experience joy, exhilaration, drive, a deep sense of purpose, and fulfillment? And how would that reflect, not only their brain imaging but also as outcomes in their life?
The Secret: Innate Superior Capabilities, For Life! The secret is not in knowing that the emotions we go through on an everyday basis have a physical impact on the brain and its functioning. But in the fact, that it is only the beginning of our exploration. More often than not, happiness is seen as an outcome or a destination. People may be tempted to think that once they have a bigger house, a bigger car, or a better career, they will be happy. And sure, the outcomes in life are a great motivator. However, if one is lacking the innate capability to be happy, regardless of the external environment, they will invariably find themselves grappling with self-sabotaging thoughts or stress, and anxiety.