Etv Bharat Sukhibhava was in conversation with Ms. Kajal U. Dave, Psychologist and Former Cancer Counselor at Naraindas Morbai Budhrani Trust, Mumbai for some quick tips.
Sudha, a 42-year-old lady comes to the counsellor’s cabin with her medical file and a reference note for counselling in her hands and face shredded with tears. There is a pin drop silence for first few minutes in the room. The counsellor breaks the ice and probes the reason for coming to her. With a clueless face, Sudha handovers the note to counsellor and tells how she happened to meet the doctor for some routine examinations and doctor has been advised some blood tests and mammography.
Sudha, who is a hardworking housewife and mother of two children. Upon hearing that she has to go through these tests, she is shattered. A train of thoughts run through her mind; “What will happen to me, my children?”, “How will I be able to take care of my family?
Counsellor provides comfort with listening and thereafter psycho education of the disease and its management started. The latter explained the client that just because she is asked to undergo preliminary examinations, does not necessarily mean that she has cancer. It is just an early measure as Sudha had a family history of cancer in her family. With improvement in today’s science and medicine many of the cancers are curable required they are detected early and treated properly. Having received this information, Sudha was mentally prepared to undergo tests as suggested by doctors and waited for the results.
Like Sudha there are many ladies who, at some or the other time has to undergo such tests and the first thing to feel is being worried about one’s family. The word cancer is associated with death because many times we have heard or seen people suffering due to cancer or lost a near and dear one to cancer. But there are many cured cases rather brave individuals who have fought this battle and came out of it.
For a better understanding, let us weigh the myths and facts:
Myth: One who has cancer should stay away from others.
Fact: Cancer is not contagious; the tumour or cancer cells develop within the body and it doesn’t transmit like a virus or bacteria.