Colombo (Sri Lanka):China is investing in the sea cucumber farms in Sri Lanka, that has the capability of boosting exercise performance and have anti-fatigue effects. China want to facilitate the export of the species from Sri Lanka to China. The Chinese joint venture company, Gui Lan (Pvt) Ltd had already established an artificial breeding production facility (hatchery) in Jaffna's coastal village of Ariyalai as far back as 2016 to provide juvenile cucumber stock to support further production, reported Geo-politik.
While the climate in Sri Lanka is quite suitable for sea cucumber production, there can be catastrophic consequences for the local marine ecology if large-scale production is undertaken. There have been reports of protests by the local farmers saying that these aquaculture projects are likely to have an adverse impact on their livelihood, the local marine ecology and the land, reported Geo-politik. In 2021 alone, Sri Lanka exported about 336 tons of sea cucumbers with China being the biggest importer. The Sri Lankan government is undoubtedly willing to give into the Chinese pressure as currently, it would do anything to stabilize its battered economy. The Sri Lankan government is therefore welcoming all Chinese investment in the production of sea cucumber with open arms.
In June of 2022, the Cabinet approved a proposal for a large-scale commercial sea cucumber project spanning 5000 acres in the Jaffna, Mannar, Kilinochchi and Batticaloa districts in the northern and eastern regions of Sri Lanka. In some of these places, the designated areas for sea cucumber farming have been fenced off, restricting access to some of the adjoining land and adversely affecting the only means of livelihood of the local fishermen, reported Geo-politik. The National Aquaculture Development Authority under the Ministry of Fisheries in the leading authority on the issue, facilitating such exploitation to take place.