Hyderabad: It's chilly outside. On the top of it, Rain has also made its way to drop the mercury further. All we are looking for is warmth, a cocoon, where we can soak ourselves with some hot beverages, food or turning pages of our favourite books. To beat the grumpy weather, we need to have some sort of comfort food that soothes our spirit. As catching cough and cold is common during this season, staying healthy and fit is also important.
Also read:5 Healthy Ingredients for Fitness Enthusiasts
Ginger Tea:
What could be a better way to sip some ginger tea when rain and cold jointly attack us? Don't forget to add cardamom to your tea. You can also opt for hot coffee or any hot drink. But the aroma of ginger freshens up the mind.
Hot Soup:
Some people like it, and some people don't. But one can't ignore hot soup during this season. Tomato, Chicken or veg soup can keep the maladies away.