Not exactly a medical condition, Brain Fog is a new term being tossed which usually refers to feeling confused, disorganized or losing focus at times. It also affects one's ability to think. We asked Dr. Praveen Kumar Chintapanti, consultant Psychiatrist, with Tranquil Minds, Hyderabad about this condition and he says, “It can happen to anyone, but we usually snap out of it. There can be several reasons for this happening like sleep deprivation, stress, multi inputs at the same time, relationship trouble, the current pandemic, etc. can all contribute to a person feeling this way”.
In such a situation of a lot happening up there, in your mind, Dr. Praveen explains, “It can lead to a state of perplexity and confusion. In this case, a person either freezes and does not react at all or reacts inappropriately. People tend to get aggravated, annoyed, or react in a way that is very unlike them”.
Apart from feeling this in a normal state, “People may sometimes feel brain fog or disorganized in the background of substances like cannabis, excess of drugs, alcohol or sometimes even mushrooms may be responsible. It can cause temporary confusion in people, while in some people it can lead to long-term brain damage and perplexia as well. A brain injury can also be another reason”, says Dr. Praveen.
We can categorize its causes, relating to the brain, in the following ways:
- Structural damage (due to an accident or stroke, etc.)
- Chemical damage (due to certain substances)
- Emotional sphere (due to an emotional state)