Balarampur: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday said his West Bengal counterpart Mamata Banerjee has been forced to take to 'Chandi Path' publicly and visit temples due to the change in people's mindset after the BJP came to power at the Centre.
He also criticised Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his visits to temples in poll-bound states.
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Speaking at an election rally at Balarampur in Purulia district, the star campaigner of the saffron party said a sect of people was created in the country before the BJP-led government assumed power at the Centre in 2014, who believed that even visiting temples would pose a threat to their secular credentials.
"A change has come... Even Mamata didi has started visiting temples and taken to 'Chandi Path'. Isn't this a change? This is new India. Each and every person has to go to God.
"Congress leader Rahul Gandhi also goes to the temple during election time. And a priest had to tell him to sit in a correct posture when he (Rahul Gandhi) went there," the UP chief minister said.
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