Nandigram:Amid the furore over the death of an 82-year-old "mother of a BJP worker" in West Bengal, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday said she does not support violence against women and is not aware of the real reason behind the death and wondered why Union Home
Minister Amit Shah remains silent when women are "tortured to death" in BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh.
Read:|Injured mother of BJP worker dies in Bengal
"I don't know how the sister has died. We don't support violence against women. We have never supported violence against my sisters and mothers.
"But the BJP is now politicising the issue. Amit Shah is tweeting and saying Bengal Ka Kya Haal hain. Why does he remain mum when women are attacked and brutalised in Hathras in Uttar Pradesh?" Banerjee said while addressing a rally in Nandigram.