Kolkata: In a welcome development for filmmakers, Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal government is all set to launch the first of its kind Teleacademy in Parganas district in March. The academy, which will facilitate filmmakers in film shooting, will also have courses on the art of cinema. A brainchild of the chief minister, Mamata Banerjee, Teleacademy has been set up at over 10 acres of land at Baruipur in South 24 Parganas district in north Bengal at a cost of Rs 132.5 crore.
An initiative of the state Information & Cultural Affairs Department, the project has been implemented by the Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority.The academy which consists of four sophisticated and ultra-modern studios, which will be used for shooting of films, television, serial and web series. It will also offer courses on acting, television journalism, direction and production, content writing and art direction.