Kolkata:The Enforcement Directorate on Friday raided the Sreebhumi residence of state fire minister Sujit Bose for his alleged role in the municipality recruitment scam. The probe agency officials also launched a raid on the premises of former Chairman of Dumdum Municipal Council, Subodh Chakraborty and Trinamool Congress MLA Tapas Rai.
As per reports, ED officials are occupied in a meticulous search of two other houses of Bose. Central forces which took all by surprise have surrounded the residences of the three leaders in question. Prodded by the the Calcutta High Court both the ED and the CBI are probing the irregularities in the recruitment made by the civic bodies.
The CBI on June 7 raided 16 locations at Salt Lake municipality and seized documents from multiple civic bodies in Nadia, Hooghly and North 24 Parganas districts.